I’m beginning The Ecclesiology Project with the desire to explore who the people of God are. We’ll get to a more formal doctrine of ecclesiology later, but I think that narrows the discussion too much. When people (Protestants) hear ecclesiology they tend to think church, and then think about structure, governance, and ordinances. Each of those subjects are relevant, but I want to think broader.

I’m here to ask the question “Why?” because I believe that when we understand why in a robust manner then we can more intentionally answer the who, what, where, and when questions. Without our “why?” we’re directionless. To that end, my research will dive into how “why?” (or telos) influences the way we act individually and corporately. This research will go beyond the individual because, as I said above, I’m interested in the people of God collectively, and this means that I have to consider the way that our telos affects human interaction and group behaviors.

On the other side of the practical/philosophical telos question, I’m going to dive into scripture and church history to discover the telos of the people of God. The question at hand is what purpose do God’s people have on the Earth? The Westminster Catechism provides us with one answer, but I believe that we need to dive deeper than that and unpack exactly what God meant for us to do as a people.

Until next time,

G. L. Crouse III


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